The rules for this award are:
1. Send a thank you to the person who nominated you and include their link.
2. To accept this award, you need to answer seven random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to at least eight other awesome blog buddies.
So here are my seven random facts about myself:
1. I am a neat freak
2. I have 6 kids that I love very much and always prided myself on making a good home for them.
(whether they liked it or not)
3. Always tried to live by the motto watch what you say to others, it may be the last words you ever
speak or the last words they ever hear.
4. Am so glad that I started blogging I have met wonderful people that
I DO consider friends....
5. Was married to my first husband for 27 years and had 6 children, he passed away at a young age
due to a terminal illness
6. Married an older man that was wonderful to me, we were married 13 years when he passed away
7. Have been so blessed in my life and sometimes feel like I don't share it with others enough
Now for the eight people to pass it on to (hard to narrow it down)
(of course I'd like to give it back to Linda because she deserves it)
Things I've learned from Bear
Linda Robinson
Heather Jensen
Deb Hickman